Welcome To Otaku's Story Blog!

So thanks for coming to my blog. These are stories that one day I hope can turn into manga one day, that's when I can draw better and stuff. So this is like a tiny step to seeing my dream! So please support me in till my dream comes true. Thanks Again For Coming To My Story Blog!

What's It's About:

Well pretty much I have a book full of story that one day I want turn into a manga. One Day *sigh* *sad face* Hope it comes true… one day. So since I'm a total girly-girly this blog's story will target mostly girls…sorry bro friends. So for now I’m gonna share my stories in this blog. Hope you enjoy them. Please give me feedback. J

~Shii <333 With Lots of Love
Youtube-xXShiiChanXx- http://www.youtube.com/user/xXShiiChanluvXx?feature=mhee
DevArt- http://xxshiichanluvxx.deviantart.com/

Saturday, April 14

Love Me Not Part 14

[I guess by now you guys understand Arai Sho aka Retired Player and Saotome Makato aka Student Body President. So I’m going to focus on our cute Minami Kaede-san now. Don’t worry I’ll bring Sho or Makato point of view back every now and then. Look out for it, ok?]

                I woke up earlier then usually by a couple of hours. I couldn’t go back to sleep so I just got up an hour earlier then usually, and got ready for school. As I finished making Arai’s and my lunch I stared at the clock. At this time Arai should be getting up right? I put my hand in my uniform’s skirt pocket. It was still there. It was Arai’s spare keys that have turned into my set keys to his house. Of course I never used them before, or even connected them to my own keychain. They were just there in my pocket. I guess I couldn’t help to have a surprise visit to his house. He is probably eating instance noodles again. Such a pain in the neck, I’ll just go make him breakfast. It would be a pain if he got sick again, then everyone is going to expect me as the girlfriend to take a day off to take care of him. I sighed as I walked outside by myself, half expecting Arai to be there but he wasn’t of course. Too early in the morning for him to be there, of course, what was I expecting? I once tried get out of him walking me to school drawing all that attention and all, but to discover that he was already there two hours before school started. I yelled at him of course, but he knew one of these days I would try sneaking to school with him. I had to promise him that I wouldn’t go to school ahead of him. I hate breaking promise since people always broke promises that they made with me. At least I know that he isn’t breaking his end.
                I sighed again as I took out the pair of keys that never used before and unlocked the front door of a house familiar yet un familiar and walked inside.

Thursday, April 5

Love Me Not! Part 13

[I have decided that my post are too long so I'm going to try to make them shorter. Unless you guys want me to make them longer again]

                Oh my Kami-sama, today was so embarrassing. First Arai, then a group of students from school; I swear I am going to get bullied again tomorrow, then there was student body president I hope he didn’t realize it was me.
                Wait… why was I letting this ruin my bath! I tried shaking the idea of. I’m used to it right. I used to being alone, and bullied right. For some reasons those thoughts felt like I was lying to myself. I knew this feeling. Lying to myself. I did it all the time. But why, how, what? What was a lie, what was the truth? Ugh, I can’t take this anymore. I have gotten soft haven’t I, this is the worst. It’s all Arai’s fault. Dam! I splash the water in the bath around. It’s all his fault, and his big ideas. I was better off without him getting in my way. I was perfectly fine before, right. Wasn’t I?  Why do I keep lying to myself?
                That night I couldn’t go to sleep. My mind was whirling trying I find out what was the truth and what was a lie. I still don’t know. Maybe I just don’t want to be all alone again in a dark, cold place again. Just like before. Or is it even more than that.

Wednesday, March 21

Love Me Not Part 12

[Sorry before hand for not updating as much >___<. I was busy with some stuff]

Minami Kaede-san, huh? She’s not a bad person as I thought she would be. The reason why I toke me a while to find her file was because number 1, she looks completely different in her student picture then she does now, in a good way. Then secondly her file was under a different name. I don’t remember off the top of my head but I feel like it was like a really cute nickname or something like that.
                I’m stressed out about the all the Student Body Council Work today. I just finished it all and it almost 6:00 pm the school is already pretty much empty. I should treat myself to something on the way home or something. I mean I deserve something, because I get almost no thanks for all the work I do.  I get up and start leaving the school. I stopped inside the first store I saw, and my surprise was who worked at the store. Who did you think I would be? Yes, of course Minami Kaede-san. Who else would have the guts to work in a store, not just any store, a maid café.
                “Welcome Back, Master. Have you come to relax after your long day of work today?”
                “No, I was just looking for some cake to bring home to eat,” I replied. II don’t know how but it just creep me out, just like her fake smile.
                “Oh ok, you can…” In the middle of her sentence she was interrupted by another person in a maid costume.
                “Come on, that isn’t any fun, now is it. You seem to know Kae-chan. You want her to be your maid, master?” Kae-chan? Is that her nickname around here or something?  I didn’t have an idea what to say, but luckily Minami-san did.
                “Come on manger-san, he’s tired. I think he just wants some cake and go home. I don’t think we are going to be getting anymore profit, because you are just going to scary him away.”
                “Oh, fine be that way. Kae-chan can you help him get his cake.”
                “Hai Manger-san,” she turned and faced me, “Follow me please, master.” Minami-san was very helpful in getting my strawberry shortcake that she made herself, quickly too.  I admit when I got home to taste it, it tasted really good. She would make a good wife to someone one day. I wonder if she likes eating and making sweets.

Sunday, March 4

Love Me Not Part 11

                Messing with Mina-san today was fun again. Her face is just so cute you know? You should have seen her face when she looked up at me. It was priceless.
Mina-san reminds me of my past, my sin. My sin, that will never ever be forgiven. Sometime I wonder if it was really true, but in the end I know it was true.
                I had a childhood friend. We were really close, back in elementary school. Every day was really fun for me with her. One day we were playing catch, and I didn’t catch the ball. It landed on the other side of the street. So since I missed it I when to go get it. But at that same time a drunk driver came around the corner, but I didn’t see him, but she did. She reacted quickly as soon as she saw the driver. She was ready to die for me. All I could do was sit paralyzed as I watched as the driver speed away and her white dress turn a dark red as the road around her, and her hair and body looking like I would never move again.
                It was around five minutes later when she was rushed to the hospital, after a local mom in the park had phone the hospital. She looked like she wasn’t going to wake up; she was in critical condition for a whole month without waking up once. At the same time the drunk driver was caught, and her mother as soon as she heard about her rushed to the hospital but along the way as involved with another car crash.
                My childhood friend woke up two months after the accident, and had complete memory lost. She ended up remembering a lot of things, but she couldn’t remember me at all. It wasn’t like I could face her anyway and help her remember me. It was my entire fault anyway. I should have hit my head or died then, not them. It was my fault. I changed the middle school I was going to attend and ended up passing the exam with some last second studying, so could be at a different school from her.
                Later I heard she stopped using the name her mother named her and started using the name her dad originally picked out for her when she was born. I also heard that she blamed herself for her mother’s death, when it was really mine. How I wish I could go tell her. It’s my entire fault. It’s not your fault if only if I caught the ball and if I had checked before I crossed the street. And course, I’m sorry. But I couldn’t after all these years I couldn’t. I just acted like a wimp and walked away from all my trouble, and played around with girls all this time. After all these I couldn’t tell her; I Love You.
                Her name that I once called her was Tomo-chan. The girl with a smile of a angel.
                This is my sin.

Saturday, March 3

Love Me Not Part 10

He was a weird person. Call me out with a note saying:
“Meet Me Afterschool, On the First Year’s Rooftop
I have something to talk about in private with you.
Saotome Makato-Class C”
                Isn’t this a type of note you give a girl when you’re trying to ask her out? Strange boy, but it seems like he was trying to do his job. I did research on him on the school computers during lunch in the computer lab. Hacking into the school student database is nothing for a neet like me. It wasn’t right hacking though; it was practically displayed there for any stranger to get into. The school’s student database information shield is too weak I could make a better one. It takes less than five minutes to get into. I should bring that up to that Saotome-kun next time. Either way he didn’t seem to be a bad person based off of his online school profile, or in real life it seems. He seems to think about his students a lot.
                “Hey Miss! Refill Please!”
                “Yes Master! One second please,” that’s right I’m working at a maid restaurant today.
                Maid Restaurant’s pay is really high. Just for running around serving people, calling them master, and dressing up as a maid of course. As long as you look “cute enough for the job” says my manger. She’s a total okatu. The maid restaurant is my main job. I work other odd jobs when I’m not working at the maid restaurant.
                It looks like a new “master” has come for me to take care of. “Welcome Back, Master” I bow the way my manger tells me to do.
                “Well this is a surprise,” I heard “master” say. His voice sounds familiar.
                “Is there something wrong?” it’s my manger’s voice, no mistaking that childish voice.
                “No, this is actually perfect. She just follows what I say right?” he sounds like a pervert. Of course with my head stilled bowed at this angle I can’t see his face.
                “Of course, as long it’s within our guidelines if you please.”
                “Your guidelines should be more than enough,” says the familiar voice. Arai Sho. That’s whose voice it was. I jerk my head up, looking at him straight in the eye. Hoping he gets my message I’m trying to transmit to him. But of course even if he gets it, he just does whatever he likes.

Sunday, February 26

Love Me Not Part 9

“So you’re Minami Kaede.”
                “That’s right. Is there any business you have with me? If you do make it quick I have a part-time job in as hour and it takes 45 minutes to get there.”
                “I would just like to ask who you think you are messing with guys, part-time jobs, and still getting first place as the best student. If you tell me how you get the answer sheets and promise to stop I won’t bust you.”
                “Answer sheets? What are you talking about? I work my way for first place,” she looks like she’s confused but that could be an act, “I study as soon as I get home, and boys I have no time to waste on them.” Such a serious face and voice, I really wonder if she’s really telling the truth. “If you’re talking about Arai-kun, he’s just my pretend boyfriend,” she starts talking again,” I need someone to act as my guard at times. If you checked my records enough it clearly shows that I was often bullied. So in order to save myself some slack, I teamed up with Arai-kun who wants the girls to stop bothering him to lay it off. That’s all. Is that enough for you?”
                “So you’re only teaming up with him for our good?”
                “That’s right. Is that good enough for you yet?”
                “Even if it’s just to help yourself why did you accept this agreement in the first place? You must have thought ahead if all you’re saying is true.”
                “Of course I do. I act as his girlfriend, he as my pretend boyfriend will protect me that’s our deal. Nothing more to it, there’s nothing less either. Is there a problem with that, Mr. President?” she says with a smile she thinks she won. Not yet.
                “Is that really then. Why do you think he propose this to you in the first place. What would happen if you guys fell in love for real? What are you going to do then?”
                “I don’t know what he’s up to but I plan to find out. I have nothing to lose, nothing to gain. Even this life is worthless. I been a thrown away like a piece of trash by my own parents, I don’t even know their faces. I been alone for all I know. There’s no point of trying if there is nothing to try to get you know,” she smiled at me sheepishly.
Nothing to reach for, and a meaningless life. She seems lonely. She needs help. Her heart has been played with her whole life to the point she can’t even dream of a happy future. What can I do other then watch her from the sidelines. I stand there wonder for I don’t know how long after she’s been gone. Will her heart every recover. I don’t think she never smiled honestly. Such a sad child, the whole world on her small shoulders, and I can’t do a thing

Saturday, February 25

Love Me Not Part 8

Who does that girl think she is? I spent an hour looking up all the school’s information on her. She scores the highest on all the exams, is the best in sports, and on top of that she’s a beauty. I only wonder why no one really noticed her at all. Her school picture is of a plain girl with glasses, looks like someone who studies a lot. What made her change? Arai maybe or maybe she finally looked at herself in the mirror for once.  Either way it looks like I have to investigate myself.  But how can I?
                “Oi Vice, can you give me some help?”
“Of course, would you like you like me to help you with?”
“There’s a girl I want to meet and talk to her privately about something that no one else should know. What should I do?” That’s weird why they are all staring at me weird, like I done something crazy.
The treasurer is the one to speak, “How you write a note to her to meet up somewhere and drop it in her shoe locker, sir.”
“Good idea, you have finally become somewhat useful,” I replied to my treasurer. A note huh, not a bad idea.
“Should I help you write it?”
“No need, I can manage.”
“Of course, you must take your time to write your feeling yourself, of course president,” saying my treasurer clearly realizing how dumb she really was. Feelings? Why feeling, I’m just going to meet her face to face and set her straight. She’s the school’s highest ranking in the school and she is fooling around?! Someone needs to set her straight.
“You’re finished already, president,” my vice questions me as I folded my finished letter in half. He looks awfully surprised for some reason.  
“Of course who do think I am.” The president of course; with the school’s second highest student for grades and good looks it seems according to the school records and newspaper club interviews.
Anyway, I’m going to set this Minami Kaede straight once and for all! Afterschool today, on the first year’s rooftop is the meeting spot, as soon as school lets out. This Minami Kaede is going down with one of my famous speeches.

Friday, February 24

Love Me Not Part 7

“~Arai-sama~ let me grab your arm, too”
“Arai-sama, why does that girl get grab your arm like that~”
“Ahh~ Arai-sama, you came early today. Was it to see me today?”
Arai is at it again. Does he never learn? I always tell him to drag his harem somewhere else in the morning. There is always a big group of girls that group together just to greet him every morning; it’s blocking the walkway for students to walk in. As the Student Committee President, I must take care of this school’s biggest problem; Arai Sho! The school’s rumored number one playboy in Japan, always ranked number ten on exams, and on top of that the most popular boy among girls here. Not like I care for things like popularity, just a waste of time. They can think what they want. It looks like it’s finally time for me to step in and…. Wait…. What!!!
A girl, with long shiny black hair with a small figure that is only around six cm shorter then Arai herself, steps out letting go of Arai arm and steps forward-
“What do you girls think you’re doing? Can’t you see that I and Arai-chan are going out,” she might seem small but her voice is loud but in a way gentle. I never seen her before in the, and I memorized all the faces the school has. New girl? No, impossible if there were I would have heard about it by now. Then who is this girl? How do I describe her? Pretty?
“Who do you think you are?  First, coming to school flirting with Arai-sama first thing in the morning? Then grab his arm suddenly.  Who do you think you are?”
“Minami Kaede. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” replies the girl with the long black hair.
“That’s not the point! Who are you to Arai-sama.”
“Now, now ladies, there is nothing to fight over now. Calm down.” Now Arai is stepping in. Couldn’t he stepped in earlier for his girlfriend.
“That right,” the girl named Minami looks up at Arai now; she’s smiling “Shall we get to class now?” Then those two love birds walk off.
It looks like there was no need for me to be here today. Waste of my time. Minami Kaede… where have I heard that name? There is no point worrying I can always look it up.
I take my time walking over to the mock exam results. I can hear boys and girls talk about me, the number for everything. Sport, Mock Exam Results, Looks, Popularity, and everything there is. It would be nice to be number one for at least one thing…… Hm…. Second place again. Then first place as always goes to…. Minami Kaede?! Isn’t she the girl just now, with Arai?

Saturday, February 18

Love Me Not Part 6

“Hey, you’re Mina-san right? Well… umm… what happened?”
                “What do you mean?”
                “Well you look, umm, completely different today.”
                “Oh, I was trying to make it look like we were actually a couple. While, at the same time not lowering your reputation as the popular guy with weird taste in girls I guess.
                I couldn’t believe my eyes it’s as if she changed into a completely different person. Before she was just like any other twin braided hair girl, with glasses way too big for her face. Now she has her long straight hair falling down her side to her mid-chest area, and no glasses or any signs of make-up. At least she didn’t go that far. But still she looked stunning.
                “What you staring at? We got to go now; it’s bad enough you came to pick me up late,” she looking impatient now, cute. “The mock exam results are supposed to be up today.  You know the exam we had before you got sick.”
                Mina starts head towards the school first, and I catch up and walk side by side with her.
                “Oh yea, your right aren’t you. The results I mean. Why would you care you always get first place anyway?”
                “How would you know?”
                “It’s always the first name on the list it not hard to spot you know.”
                 “Oh, is that so then Arai-san. Why in the world would you care about your ranking?”
                “To see how much better I am then other people.”
“Is that so now?”
As Mina and I come closer to the school, while talking about random thinks that pop up in our head like old buddies. We can’t help but notice the large group of student in front of the mock exam score board. Then as usually, as soon as one female student sees me the rest do and charge over to me.
 “Hey Mina-chan, grab on to me real quick unless you want to get run over,” I whisper to Mina. She of course is clueless on what’s going on, by now she’s usually in class doing last second grading for sensei.
“Wa…” Mina starts, but quickly realizes why and holds on for dear life. “We’re going to get run over.” Her face right is funny; it mixed with fear at the same time confusion. So cute.
I start reassuring her, “This happens every morning, leave it to me.”
“Hmm… are you sure.”
“Of course I am,” Even though I’m perfectly calm so doesn’t look any less tense as if she’s getting ready to enter a war.

Friday, February 17

Love Me Not Part 5

“Yep!” I replied happily she will never see this coming, “Mina-san I want you to be my girlfriend!”
                “What kind of joke is that supposed to be?” Mina looks at me as if she isn’t surprised and thinks I’m joking. But trust me I’m dead serious about this.
                “But I’m really serious.” I stare into Mina’s eyes which I can tell is really frecking her out.
                “Stop fooling around already. I’m going leave now. Excuse me.”
                I grab her wrist just as she was getting up and pulled me down, “Wait Mina-san, I would say something like that if I didn’t have my reasons you know.”
                “Oh, really now?” I can tell she still doesn’t believe me.
                I take my player boy mask to reveal my true self. I need taken this mask off only when I was alone by myself at home, but Mina is an exception because she going to help me in my plan.
                “You’re not interested in love either right.” I knew my sudden change in tone scared her for a second but she quickly got used to it as if it was normal, and I could tell I said something that caught her attention
“What do you mean I thought it was only me who wasn’t interested?”
“Oh really I find the girls at school a real annoy pain to deal with, and I have a plan that includes you too. So you don’t have to worry about being annoyed about love too.” I got her, I can tell by that dangerous look in her eyes she’s in.
“So what I’m I suppose to do in this plan of yours?” Yep, I was right she’s hooked, she’s in.
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend, so all the girls back off. From what I seen once someone starts going out with someone all the fans back off for the time being.”
“So you’re saying being your is going to get the girls off of you. What are the benefits for me, huh?”
I knew this was coming, “Well the benefits is that no one is going to mess with you because now you have a boyfriend so they know they can’t pick a fight with you. I meet unless you get those cuts and bruises from work or something, and all that bullying wasn’t really anything.”
“Oh, really this is nothing but whatever I accept your offer,” she’s now grinning. This is girl is really not truthful is she, that might be because she’s so strong. She still such a so strong person even after all these years of being apart, even if she doesn’t remember me anymore. Wait! Why am I thinking of the past, I got to let it go!
“That’s good then tomorrow we’ll go to school as a “couple” understand Mina.”
“Yea, I know pick me up around 7:45, I’m leaving I been here for too long. See ya tomorrow Arai.”
“Call me Arai-kun or even Sho-kun for now on to give the couple impression.”
“Ok, bye Arai-kun.”